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Vintage Letterheads- Asbestos Companies (Mesothelioma) in Chicago, Illinois For Sale

Price: $6
Type: Art & Antiques, For Sale - Private.

Even before they began to assess massive product liability lawsuits against cigarette manufacturers, courts targeted asbestos manufacturers beginning in the late xxxx's due to health concerns, specifically the cancer "mesothelioma", which can develop from asbestos over-exposure.
Asbestos (which is a mineral fiber found in nature) had actually been used by humans in common applications for several hundred years because it is anti-corrosive, strong, fire-resistant and insulates well, making it a popular favorite in the production of roofs, ceilings, walls and floor and pipe coverings. Many residential and commercial builders used asbestos products during construction (including schools), especially from roughly xxxx until xxxx.
When health information emerged about the negative effects of asbestos fibers, asbestos abatement began. How does over-exposure occur? Of course, persons who worked in the direct manufacture of asbestos-related products mostly bore the brunt of asbestos over-exposure, as they breathed in the fibers in heavier concentrations.
Old business memorandums (authentic) on vintage letterhead as follows:
1) xxxx Mikesell Brothers Company, 156-178 No. LaSalle Street $6
2) xxxx Johns-Mansville, Michigan Avenue & 18th Street $6
3) xxxx Keasbey & Mattison Company, xxxx-71 W. North Ave. $8
4) xxxx Philip Carey Company, xxxx W. Fullerton Ave. $6
5) xxxx Asbestos & Magnesia Materials Co., 119-127 No. Peoria Street $5
6) End
Item #5 (on Peoria Street) is 2/3 size of a full memorandum.

State: Illinois  City: Chicago  Category: Art & Antiques
Art & Antiques in Illinois for sale

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