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Chicago Medical Malpractice Lawyer - Free Consultation - Kroot Law LLC in Chicago, Illinois For Sale

Type: Legals, For Sale - Private.

Chicago Medical Malpractice Lawyer
Chicago Medical Malpractice Lawyer - Kroot Law LLC
Contact us online or at (312) 543-xxxx for a free initial consultation.
Main Office:
One E. Upper Wacker Drive, Suite xxxx
Chicago, Illinois xxxx1
Tel: (312) 543-xxxx
The injury lawyers of Kroot Law, LLC serve clients in medical malpractice, auto accidents, and wrongful death. The firm is dedicated to representing clients throughout the Chicago area and has extensive legal experience.
Contact us online or at (312) 543-xxxx for a free initial consultation.
We represent individuals in all types of accident and injury cases, including but not limited to:
Surgical Error
Wrongful Death
Product Liability
Auto Accidents
Nursing Home Liability
Please also read our Articles and FAQs for additional information.
Chicago Medical Malpractice Lawyer - Kroot Law LLC
Contact us online or at (312) 543-xxxx for a free initial consultation.
Main Office:
One E. Upper Wacker Drive, Suite xxxx
Chicago, Illinois xxxx1
Tel: (312) 543-xxxx
Thank you - Kroot Law LLC

State: Illinois  City: Chicago  Category: Legals
Legals in Illinois for sale

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